Introducing solids to a baby is something mommies look forward to. But with countless opinions coming your way, knowing what’s right for your munchkin can become challenging.
For example, you might ask, ‘When do babies start eating pureed food?’ ‘Is it alright to give my baby pureed food?’ or ‘Is starting solids at 4 months to 6 months, okay?’
This blog will wipe away your concerns.
Read 12 experts’ tips about how and when to feed your baby’s first foods.
Solids need more time to digest. And babies don’t have a strong digestive system to bear anything except breast or formula milk for the initial three months. Therefore, experts recommend introducing solids to a baby between 4 to 6 months.
It’s when babies stabilize their head and neck position and can sit up with proper support.
Most importantly, babies learn chewing and swallowing at this age. Any later than that can delay their learning.
It feels like forever wishing to replace bottles with cute little plates and spoons. But asking for expert advice can help you decide when and how.
Don’t be led astray by your next-door neighbor’s experience. For example, they might tell you their 4 to 6 months old baby boy loves apple kiwi spinach puree or mashed potatoes. Your toddler won’t likely want the same. So, it’s best to seek an experienced pediatrician who can tell you the following:
Order of solid foods
Feeding portions for every meal
Frequency of solids in a day
Safety precautions
Creating a solid food list for your baby can be fun. But you must do so carefully to provide them with the best nutrition.
Check your pantry for the items you already have and what to buy on the next trip to the grocery store.
Make sure to add seasonal fruits and vegetables. You can also include meat for a balanced diet, but give it in pureed form for easy swallowing.
Once you’ve decided on the foods for your baby, it’s time to choose the equipment.
The right equipment makes all the difference in creating healthy eating habits. So, you must buy a high chair where your baby can sit while eating.
Next, go for plastic spoons, bowls, and cups instead of metal because plastic is easy on the gums.
Give your baby their personal spoon and plate to avoid tug-of-war at home. When they have their own, it makes eating new food more enjoyable.
Introducing a baby’s first foods is about experimenting and helping them get used to new flavors and textures. That’s why it’s best to give one solid at a time.
For instance, contemplate starting purees at 4 months to 6 months This can include one fruit pureed to form a meal.
Like adults, kids like to eat when they’re hungry. And hunger alters the baby’s mood. So, look for visible cues like excessive crying or grumpy mood.
Time their feeding schedules before this happens to avoid tantrums and create a routine.
Your baby won’t always like the food you give. But that doesn’t mean excluding it from their diet.
Instead, keep trying at different times, quantities, and variations. For example, if your baby didn’t enjoy an apricot the last time, give them carrot apricot pumpkin puree next time.
Organic food is the best to ensure your baby consumes pest-free and naturally-sourced ingredients. And what other time than starting solid foods for 6-month-old?
Originz offers several organic pureed items – our apple banana and strawberry puree is already among the parents' favorites.
Every adult has an inner child. So, tasting the baby food will tell you whether they will like it.
If you find something off, chances are, they will, too.
Most allergies take around four hours to appear once your baby has tasted something new. Therefore, look for visible allergic reactions like difficulty breathing, swelling, diarrhea, or constipation.
Allergies are one reason why pediatricians recommend waiting for a couple of days before feeding something new.
Being introduced to new food is new for babies. And that’s why they’re bound to play with it, get it all over themselves, and ruin their clothes.
But eventually, they’ll get the food where it should be – their mouth.
Whether you’re considering starting purees at 4 months to 6 months, it’s a good idea to spice their food a bit. Because going bland won’t always develop a new flavor. But sprinkling cinnamon or cumin in puree or squash can do wonders.
Your baby is constantly growing. And with growth comes changing behaviors. So, they might munch happily on the mashed potatoes you gave them one day but throw them away the next.
It’s also best to be flexible about feeding schedules. Instead, you can experiment with the time you give them solid food.
It takes a village to raise a child, and these tips can help you raise your kid correctly by introducing solids at 4 months to 6 months.
Happy feeding!
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